We build this place together

Making change is a central part of COA’s mission. We put it into practice by involving students, faculty, and staff in governing the college. It’s not necessarily the easiest way to get things done, but there’s no question we all learn a lot in the process.

So many interests, so little time

Knitting, soccer, poetry, foreign affairs, rock-climbing, circus arts, activism, foraging for wild edibles. COA students tend to be really into whatever they’re into. Student activities here are a mix of organized clubs, getting outdoors in Acadia National Park, regular events like concerts, lectures, films, and open mics, and a healthy dose of creative spontaneity.

You’ll forge your own path, but you won’t be alone

COA is a great place for self-directed people: you’ll chart your own course, both in class and out. But it’s impossible to be anonymous in such a small community, and you’ll find plenty of fellow travelers with whom to share the journey.

And did we mention the food?

It’s ridiculously good.

 Stories from our community:

  • NEWS
    Literary Magazine Sets Sail

    Brought back to life by the passion and dedication of faculty and students at College of the Atlantic, the small-scale literary magazine Bateau returns to print after a several year hiatus.

  • NEWS
    OOPs Trip Kicks Off Fall Term
    Scores of incoming first-year students begin their time at COA with a six-day trip into Maine’s wilderness.
  • NEWS
    Exhibit Highlights COA “Monster Course” in Italy
    An exhibit of student work derived from a 10-week expeditionary course in Italy last spring will be the focus of two special events on campus.